Monday 11 September 2017

10 FACTS about Breast Feeding

Hello all my beautiful ladies

So mean while breast feeding is the best way to feed your baby there is nothing wrong if you choose to bottle feed your baby formula milk. Here are 10 facts about breast feeding.

1. your areola and your nipple is going to darken in colour which you will notice from being pregnant and NO it is not going to look all pretty and pink as it was before you were pregnant even after you give birth, the colour may go a bit lighter after birth. your areola is going to expand in size and apparently it does that so your baby can find it easier when they feed.

2. If you are wandering where does the milk come out from? It comes out of your nipple but not in one stream, it comes out from multiple streams like a fountain and NO it does not come out in drops, if you haven't feed your baby long enough it may even spray out like a hose. 

3. If you are a first time mom make sure you get some nipple shield, YES you heard right there is something called a nipple shield which you put over your breast to protect your nipple from cracking or hurt as you don't know how to feed your baby properly so the baby may hurt your nipple as they are not sucking correctly. I had to learn the hard way as within the first day my nipple already cracked open and trust me it hurts like Hell when you need to feed with cracked nipple. I bought the tommee tippee ones as i find the shape fits me the best and yes there are other brands and it does come in different sizes so choose the one best suited for you and when i say sizes i do mean your nipple size.

4. Make sure to get a breast pump, you need to pump out your milk after every feed because if you don't you are going to end up with rocks as boobs and it's going to hurt like a biatch. If it does happen that your boobs become like rocks there is ways to help. put hot towels on it for a few minute and then massage your boobs pushing from the outer towards your nipple that way milk will flow out again. It will hurt ALOT when you massage it but you have to do it. Manual breast pumps are a lot cheaper than electric ones but unless you have a lot of milk i suggest to go for a electric one because your hands are going to hurt from pumping every 2 hours. I got a Tommee tippee one which was on sale for R899.

5. Get your self A LOT of breast pads you are going to need them. Unless you got them on otherwise do not go near any babies especially crying babies and yes even if they are not your baby. Trust me once you hear any baby cry you will leak and by leak i actually mean spraying. So if you don't want to walk around with 2 patches of wetness that looks like you just came out of a wet t-shirt contest wear breast pads.
I use the Pigeon breast pads which is around R120 for 60 pcs as i find it most comfortable and absorbent. i also tried Tommee tippee ones but it made me very itchy.

6. When you breast feed it does not look like the movies all peaceful and warm. firstly you are going to sweat and so is your baby. secondly your baby will lose the nipple now and then which will cause milk to spray probably all over the baby's face and thirdly your baby will bite and pull as they like and you will probably be so shocked to know that your nipple can even be stretched so long.

7. If you are starting to have "sexytime" with your man tell him to stay away from your nipple trust me even if it's accidental brush over you will want to punch your guy in the face because it is that sensitive. 

8. Do breast feed as much as your baby needs as your baby will never be overfed if you breastfeed and it is very healthy for your baby's digest system as formula milk can make the baby constipated.

9. The more you feed the more milk you will produce so don't worry if you feel in the first few days you don't have a lot of milk. As the baby is born it is best to feed them in the first 30 minutes after they are born as that is the first bonding time and you will produce a clear or yellowish liquid that liquid is what is going to keep your baby from getting sick for the first few months. Then only after around 3 days your will start to produce milk. To help produce milk drink a lot of liquid like soups, water. Stay away from gassy and acid foods as what you eat will influence the baby. too much acid will cause nappy rash and gassy food will also make the baby gassy which can cause stomachaches.

10. You need to burp your baby after every feed for the first 3 month as they need help to digest you can either tap or rub up and down on the baby's back while holding the baby up otherwise your baby will vomit or spit milk out as you put the baby down and if you not careful the baby can suffocate from the vomit.

So above are my experiences and suggestions with breast feeding. DO try to breastfeed as breastfeeding is one of the best way to bond with the baby. And if you need to breast feed your baby in public don't be shy and don't let other people make you feel shameful about breastfeeding in public. All i want to say to those people is : Damn you, don't tell me that i cannot feed my hungry baby when i need to like as if you never drank from your mothers boobs. 

Hope you enjoyed the post.

till next time

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