Thursday 11 September 2014

Nail Art Tutorial

To all my beautiful ladies

Sorry i have been so quiet lately due to slow internet but here is some of the recent nail art i have done. I have been quite into leopard print lately so i did quite a few with it.

This is the tutorial i am going to show you guys today...

So first this is what you will need:

I am using Revlon Nail Care smoothing base coat, Tiptop protein base 937, Tiptop Cream puff 901,Tiptop my own mix of cream puff and coral candy for the pink and essence colour and go in black also you will need a nail art brush any thin brush will do.

First step is to do your regular trim, file, buff to the shape of nail you desire. I have short nails so i generally just keep it round. Then apply your base coat which i used the Revlon smoothing nail base coat which gives it a nice milky look.

Step 2 is to paint your nails in any order you like with the white and pink i choose to do my middle finger and ring finger in white and the rest in pink. I always apply 2 coats for better colour but you don't have to if you think one layer is enough.

Step 3 paint on the leopard print by using the paint brush and just dip it into the black nail polish. Don't drown your brush you just need a nice amount on the tip. To create the leopard print simply draw small brackets()but not even and can be messy you don't really want brackets()and now and then just add a dot in between. 

Step 4 after everything is dry apply your topcoat to make it shine and last longer and TA DA there you have it.

You can use any colour of your choice and do the print on any finger. From my previous post of nail art you will see that i love pink nail polish and i love doing nail art on the ring finger.

P.S Everything i say about the products are all in my own opinion. 

Thank you for reading ^^
Till next time my beauties xoxo

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